
Parent teacher communication


We have a strong commitment to open and effective communication channels.


All students at the beginning of each new school year (or upon enrolment) are allocated a communication book. This book is designed primarily as a communication tool between home and school.

This is at zero cost to caregivers. If a communication book needs replacing (due to being lost or misplaced), there is a cost.

Students should take this book home every afternoon and bring it to school with them every day.

This book should be placed in the allocated class box in the morning.

How the Principal will communicate with you?


If you want to talk to me about something call - 0418 982 413. I am available anytime.

If I am doing my job, and my staff are as well, communicating comprehensively to you then this will be reflected in how often parents call me to talk through concerns, issue or for information. If you need to speak to me please simply give me a call. I will usually be able to talk the issue through with you, make a plan to address the issue or give you the information you need. I would rather you contact me than get the wrong information or not be able to access information.


I will email our parent group each week.

This will be about school, student learning, student management, lunchtimes, upcoming events and general information.


Alligator Creek State School has it's own Facebook page. Please take the time to ‘like’ the page. I will be belting it with messages about school on a regular basis. The Facebook page is for announcements and positive news stories about the school. It is not a forum to resolve issues or negativity. Any inappropriate comments or action taken on the page will result in the person being blocked by the principal. Any concerns, questions or issues can be privately messaged or you can contact me by mobile anytime. I believe this is reasonable to have these requirement in a public forum. If you would like to discuss our Facebook page and use, please do not hesitate to contact me. In saying this, I am trying to be pro-active.

Our P & C have full control of the original school Facebook page where it is now a P&C Facebook page to build their community profile.

The office

Drop by the office if you want to see me. If I am available I will see you straight away.

You can expect - to see me out in the grounds before and after school on a regular basis if not every day. I am also out every lunch break helping out on duty. 

How your child’s teacher will communicate with you?

Fortnightly email

Our teachers are going to email you each fortnight. They are a committed staff energised about your child’s learning and measurable improvement this year. The email will be about what is happening in class. While our teacher’s will endeavour to have a grammatical tight email, they are pumping this out within their busy schedule so please afford them leeway on the odd mistake or error. I believe it is important the teacher communicates in a style that reflects their professional approach and personality.

Communication book

This book contains school information and will be used by the teacher, administration staff and parent/carer for information concerning your child’s daily progress at school. 

Phone communication

It is appreciated if telephone calls to the school were made between 8am and 4pm.  Messages to teachers may be given to the Administrative Officer who will pass them on to the person concerned. Teachers are not interrupted during teaching periods, unless the matter is considered urgent. The school has a telephone answering machine and messages should only be left before 8am and after 4pm as the machine is checked in the mornings only.


Should you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact the classroom teacher as a first point of contact. It is preferred for an interview time to be made in advance, which may be done by phone, through the communication book or in person. For further discussion, the Principal or Deputy Principal can be contacted.

Any concerns about school decisions can be expressed by contacting the Principal or Deputy Principal. Concerns brought forward immediately can usually be resolved positively.

Another forum for raising concerns of a whole school nature is through the monthly Parents’ and Citizens’ Association.

Last reviewed 19 December 2019
Last updated 19 December 2019