
Workplace health and safety



Dental services

All students are eligible for treatment by the School Dental Service that visits the school with their mobile van once each year.

First aid/Sick bay

We strive for all teacher aides and teachers to have current Senior First Aid and CPR training. The first aid room is located in the administration block. Each classroom has a small first aid kit. Portable first aid soft-packs are available for taking when attending off-site excursions or camps.Administrative staff complete a sick bay register when medical attention is given. If required, staff will call the parent/carer to advise of the situation. The nominated emergency contact from the student enrolment form will be called if we are unable to contact the parent/carer.


Headlice infestation can occur from time to time. Parents should regularly inspect their child’s hair to detect the presence of lice or eggs, notify the school if your child is affected and advise when treatment has begun. On detection or notification of lice or eggs, all parents in that class will be advised via letter to check everyone in the family and treat if necessary. Checking should continue every 2 days for 10 days. Children with headlice cannot return to class until treatment has started. If using chemical treatment, this should be applied every 7 days for a maximum of 3 times. On enrolling students at our school, parents are required to fill in a parental permission form (PDF, 66KB) indicating their level of approval for visual and physical inspection to be undertaken. If considered necessary, the Principal may authorise staff to visually or physically check hair if headlice are suspected. 

Health nurse

Each year, children from prep year will be seen by the visiting school health nurse.  She will also examine students who are referred by the Principal of the school in consultation with parents and/or teachers.


In the case of a serious accident the procedure followed by the school is as follows:

  1. Contact ambulance
  2. Contact parents
  3. Notify doctor/hospital as indicated on enrolment form

We have an injury/illness form that is completed by a member of the school staff.  Children are not insured against accidents either by Education Queensland or the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association. Insurance is available from a number of private companies. It is the parent’s responsibility to insure their own child if they so desire. 

Medication to be taken at school

No child is allowed to take any medication at school unless prior approval has been given by the Principal. Request to administer medication (PDF, 412KB) also available from the office must be completed and instructions on tablet or medicine containers sighted.  Only medicine prescribed by a doctor specifically for the child will be administered at school. The only exception is children using asthma inhalers. These children may keep inhalers on their person but a medication form must be sent to school. No over-the-counter medication is administered and should not be sent to school.  An administration of medication register is filled out when medication is given. 

Infection control / disease

Diseases spread quickly in schools. We can do much to limit the spread of infection by regarding hygiene as of prime importance at all times. Personal hygiene information is shared with students and parents should assist with these precautions. Children suffering from infectious diseases may be excluded from attendance at school for varying lengths of time.  Please ask at the office if you are unsure. Students are encouraged to show appropriate conduct while using the amenities. Toilets are a no-play area and the facilities should be used correctly to promote good hygiene.​

Last reviewed 19 December 2019
Last updated 19 December 2019