On Friday 20th August, both our Junior Band and Concert Band competed in the Mackay Eisteddfod held at Alligator Creek State School. It was a fantastic night and was amazing to see the huge parent support of our students. I was so proud of how our bands performed on the night and the adjudicator enjoyed our enthusiasm. This was our Junior Bands first performance ever and they received a Bronze Award. Our Concert Band also received a Bronze award. Thank You to Mrs Teong for coming and helping on the night, Mr Neilsen for setting up the hall, Mrs Connor for her amazing announcing abilities and a big thank you to all the band members for your hard work leading up to the eisteddfod.
Other Eisteddfod News
Stephen M received:
- Very Highly Commended in the Modern Pianoforte Solo 9 Years and Under
- Highly Commended in the Pianoforte Solo 9 Years and Under
- Mackay Sugar Co-operative Association Ltd Trophy (which is to the local competitor (12 Years and Under) most deserving of encouragement.)
Primary Duets:
1st Emma and Ella
2nd Jazmine and Hailee
3rd Nikita and Jamie
Primary Trios:
2nd Emma, Ella and Jamie
Highly Commended Jazmine, Nikita and Hailee.
Congratulations to everyone on their fantastic efforts.